2003 September 18

Draft Resolution of JCP 23rd Congress presented

The draft Resolution of the Japanese Communist Party 23rd Congress was presented to the JCP Central Committee 8th Plenum on September 17 by JCP Executive Committee Chair Shii Kazuo.

Shii's report focused on four characteristics of the document to be discussed and put to a vote in the next JCP Congress scheduled for November.

The first and foremost characteristic, he said, is that all the ten parts of the draft Resolution are devoted to how best the revised JCP Program can demonstrate its value in the immediate struggle.

Such a focused approach is possible because the draft revised JCP Program states systematically and inclusively the various tasks a democratic revolution should achieve.

The second point Shii made was that the draft Resolution focuses on how JCP struggles and activities should be organized so that the JCP with its Revised Program can make a positive approach to the nation and the world. All analyses in the draft are made to serve the practical purpose of advancing JCP struggles and activities.

Thirdly, Shii said that every part of the draft Resolution makes clear the JCP position on the various issues that affect people's living conditions to be dealt with by JCP branches in their grassroots activities.

Shii added that issues of peace, living conditions, and the Japanese Constitution should be taken up by JCP branches in reaching out to residents, in particular in the coming national elections. He also referred to a variety of grassroots efforts to solve problems related to falling social morals and the rights of children.

The fourth characteristic Shii dealt with was that the draft Resolution is directly applicable to the JCP campaigns for the House of Representatives general election that is highly likely this autumn as well as for the 2004 House of Councilors election.

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After the presentation of the draft Resolution, Shii reported on the JCP's basic strategy for the coming general election in three points.

(1) All preparations, in particular activities to increase JCP supporters, need to be completed in the next 40 days.

(2) The party will continue its efforts to bring the 23rd JCP Congress to a successful conclusion while preparing for the election.

(3) If the dissolution of the House of Representatives is announced for a snap election, the JCP Central Committee will meet for its 9th Plenum on the following day to postpone the 23rd Congress. (end)

The Central Committee of the Japanese Communist Party
4-26-7 Sendagaya,Shibuya-ku,Tokyo 151-8586

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